April 2024

  • The Day War Came

    A girl lost everything due to war and found an unwelcome attitude in another country, which was changed by a small gesture from a little boy. The girl lives in an unnamed country, which looks like it is in the Middle East, judging by the buildings. Life is normal for her: family time, school, drawings, flowers. But that ended with…

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  • The Invisible

    Isabel feels invisible due to others’ attitudes and personal circumstances. Isabel lives with her family, who is overstretched and cannot afford what others can. However, they have each other, plenty of love, and an eye for beauty. Not long after, the family is forced (due to a lack of money) to move from their house to a council estate. The…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Iskra. I love to read and write book reviews. Welcome to my blog. Read More

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