Luna Loves Gardening

Luna’s dad loves gardening and introduces her to the community garden, where adults and the children enjoy the activity and share stories.

Luna joins her grandparents and learns that plants come from different parts of the world, such as South America and Jamaica. It is even more fun when Luna swaps seeds and finds out from the children that calabash plants can be used for musical instruments and carrots can be purple, as with Mina’s seeds from Afghanistan.

Luna feels impatient when the hard work doesn’t produce quick results. But reassured by her family, Luna finds the community garden completely different at Harvest.

Vibrant colours and beautiful illustrations by Fiona Lumbers add to the feeling of togetherness and enjoyment within the family and the wider community. Extra fonts would benefit young readers, but that is such a minor detail that can’t take away from a story with plenty to offer and shares practical information with children about building mini wildlife in a garden or a balcony. It would suit children in the EYFS as an addition to the minibeast unit.

‘Luna’ reassures that a simple activity can enhance the sense of belonging.


Further Information:

If you loved Luna Loves Gardening, check out more information about its author and illustrator:


The Stats:

  • Title: Luna Loves Gardening
  • Author and Illustrator: Joseph Coelho & Fiona Lumbers
  • ISBN: 978 1 83913 157 8
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Page Count: 32
  • Publisher: Anderson Press
  • Recommended age:  3-7
  • Categories/Topic: gardening, community


Where to Find it:


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