A Pocketful of Stars

It is a challenging time for 13-year-old Safiya, who manages to grow up.

Safiya lives in a small town in England, mostly with her father, who has taken custody of her since the divorce. There is a sense of closeness between them, as Safiya can be herself and valued for her gaming interests compared to her mother, who wishes something better for her daughter.

Early in the novel, Saff’s mum is in the hospital in a coma, and magically, the girl is transported to her mum’s house in the past in her native Kuwait. Safiya experiences the memories during the hospital visits. It’s almost a game where she finds clues from objects dear to her mum in her flat. Through the dreams, Saff felt closer to her mum as it was easier to understand her behaviour when she saw her relatives and friends.

Another level at which the story develops is Safiya’s challenges at school with her best friend, Elle, who seems to mature quickly. The dynamic makes Saff unsure, but she manages to find strength and stand for herself and what is right, finally leading to a new friendship group connected by a passion for games.

Aisha Bushby offers an emotional novel about loss and gain at different levels and hits the cord of the mother-daughter relationships. Following the acknowledgement pages, it seems the author experiences bereavement first-hand. “A Pocketful of Stars” makes you drop a tear and pause on the relationship we take for granted.


The Stats:

  • Title: A Pocketful of Stars
  • Author and Illustrator: Aisha Bushby
  • ISBN: 978 1 4052 9319 8
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publisher: Egmont
  • Recommended age: 9-12
  • Categories/Topic: family, divorce, death, loss


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