Thank you for stopping at 34bookstreet, which means you are passionate about books and wish to read book reviews.

Most of the reviews are about picture books due to reading to my children and how reading aloud and picking the right level books transformed my elder daughter from a reluctant to an enthusiastic reader. When she was six years old (Year 2), it became fashionable for the girls to read fairy series in the school. Appealing by colour and design and as an introduction to first chapter books, it was easy to understand the trend; however, her comprehension skills weren’t promising.

How did we manage to turn it around?

One way was by reading and discussing picture books on various topics following popular titles from the Times Educational Supplement, The New York Times and others. Another method was choosing the books at the right level of understanding; the dyslexic section in the library was helpful as those books were manageable due to size and simple language and plot. She used them for about a term, and the encouragement was great; reading between 1-2 texts per day herself and reading picture books from my site aloud was worth doing.

At 34bookstreet, I post some reviews on self-development books, a tiny fraction of which I applied in my life. The key to personal development books is that they offer steps, principles, and suggestions. If you don’t use them, daily is just useless reading.
I hope you will find something enjoyable and beneficial on the website.

Best wishes,

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Hi, I’m Iskra. I love to read and write book reviews. Welcome to my blog. Read More

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