Do You Remember?

A mother talks with his son about good and challenging times.

The boy is a single child in a family with tight connections, as we see them enjoying moments together during picnics and birthdays. However, their peaceful life is disrupted by a storm. The inhabitants evacuate in the hope of a safer place. That is what the boy and his mother did. Why the boy’s father stays in front of the house waving them goodbye is left for interpretation by the readers.

As with every change, there is uncertainty but also hope, represented by the morning sun in the city and the boy’s statement, “we were going to be just fine”. Maybe that will be a memory one day, too.

Sydney Smith’s distinctive drawing style, as seen in “I Talk Like a River” is once again showcased. The full-length page face illustrations depict characters with soft, sad eyes or blurry ones conveying their emotions. These illustrations bring the story to life making, the readers feel like they are part of the narrative.

“Do You remember?” shows that good memories can be cherished but challenging ones are inevitable parts of our lives. The family is a key to overcoming difficulties and recognising us as who we are.


Further Information:

If you loved Do You Remember? check out more information about its author and illustrator:


The Stats:

  • Title: Do You Remember?
  • Author and Illustrator: Sydney Smith
  • ISBN: 978-1-5295-1991-4
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Page Count: 40
  • Publisher: Walker Books
  • Recommended age:  6-8
  • Categories/Topic: family, challenges


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