Little Mouse is Absolutely, Completely, Totally Fine!

Are you a “calm mouse”, a “thrilled mouse”, or an “always be prepared mouse”, or perhaps you have been all of them on a different day?

As suggested by its name, in Mousetown, all the inhabitants are mice who experience different feelings in everyday situations. The playground can be a place that brings joy or arguments, a place for a chat or loneliness. Even the theme park shows how different personalities react to the same activity: one is friendly, and the other is chilled. In this, like a human town, a mouse is jealous when someone else has a bigger toy or is pleased with the displays of the bakery.

“Little Mouse is Absolutely, Completely, Totally Fine!” is an engaging, rhyming picture book that will appeal to young children and the adults who read to them. It offers opportunities for discussion and exploration of matching the right mouse with the correct description. From the beginning, it will come naturally to the grown-up to start asking questions and discussing the meaning of some unfamiliar adjectives, such as “queasy.” The text offers many adjectives for young learners and some descriptive phrases such as: “getting such a fright mouse”. Marisa Morea delivers a busy, vibrant Mousetown set in summer with plenty of facial expressions. The final two pages offer an activity for the classroom or at home for the children to pick up a mouse from the book and behave like it.

It is an engaging book that explores feelings and body language.


Further Information:

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The Stats:

  • Title: Little Mouse is Absolutely, Completely, Totally Fine!
  • Author and Illustrator: Sharon Hopwood & Marisa Morea
  • ISBN: 978 0 00 853860 6
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Page Count: 32
  • Publisher: Farshore
  • Recommended age:  3-7
  • Categories/Topic: body language, feelings


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