Max and Bird

“Max and Bird” is the third book of the ‘Max’ series created by the award-winning and New York Times bestselling writer and illustrator of picture books – Ed Vere.

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Two distinctive characters with different ideas about friendship. Who is going to stay true to its values? “Max is a kitten.” He conforms to the notion that “kittens chase birds”, a statement not warmly accepted by Bird, who believes friendship is about enjoyment and assistance. However, Bird suggests that if the kitten teaches him how to fly, he will reconsider Max’s decision to be his “tasty snack”. Max and Bird follow a journey filled with obstacles. The reader benefits from their strategy: Max gives his best attempt but promptly admits his inability to fly; they enter the library as Bird points out, “libraries know everything”. Exhausted by numerous unfruitful flapping, they find a rescue in the expert Pigeon, who is not only fluent in flapping and zig-zagging in the air but clearly is showing off. Finally, Bird took off only to discover that Max was unsure if he would still eat Bird.

Max and Bird is a story about shared experiences that lead to looking at the world differently and proving that true friendship can blossom. Simple but memorable illustrations make this book a must-read-aloud.

It is a story that makes you think about the valid values of a friendship.


Further Information:


The Stats:

  • Title: Max and Bird
  • Author and Illustrator:  Ed Vere
  • ISBN:  978-0241240199                                                        
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Page Count: 32
  • Publisher: Puffin
  • Recommended age: 3-6
  • Categories/Topic: Friendship


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See the other books from the Max series:

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