The Bumblebee Garden

With spring in full bloom, what sounds do you mainly associate with the season?

Ben talks with his grandfather and learns many facts about the bumblebee in “The Bumblebee Garden”, where fiction and non-fiction combine beautifully.

As the story in ‘The Bumblebee Garden’ unfolds, the conversation between Ben and his grandad spans across the seasons, starting with the vibrant spring. This seasonal progression adds depth to their exploration of bees, with Ben learning fascinating facts that out of the queen eggs comes a larva, which turns into a cocoon, and the bees hibernate.

The story does not just follow the life cycle of the queen bee outlined in a diagram at the end of the book but reveals how bees help us and how we can be helpful to them. Ben and his grandad did that by turning their garden into a feast for the bees. The Bumblebee Garden displays beautiful illustrations celebrating nature in line with Steiner-Waldorf’s philosophy, of which Floris is a leading publisher.

The book shows that outdoor experiences are enjoyable and educational and provide an opportunity to form a bond with relatives. ‘The Bumblebee Garden’ is a slightly longer story; however, sharing some nature sounds would benefit and be enjoyed by young readers and inspire them to care for the environment.

A buzz for the eye with plenty of knowledge!



Further Information:

If you loved “The Bumblebee Garden’, check out more information about its author and illustrator:


The Stats:

  • Title: The Bumblebee Garden
  • Author and Illustrator: Dawn Casey & Stella Lim
  • ISBN: 978-178250-903-5
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Page Count: 28
  • Publisher: Floris Books
  • Recommended age:  5-8
  • Categories/Topic: bees, lifecycle, nature, families


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