The New Girl

A new girl from a Southern Asian country joins a school abroad. The students’ hostile attitude is transformed when the girl shares traditional Japanese art – origami.

The story is set in a school and told by one of the students who describes the girl as different. And she is – by appearance, clothing, and even the food she eats. The illustrations emphasise this by showing the girl alone, with hunched shoulders, at a distance from others, opposing the shadowy group staring at her.

Even with the unwelcoming attitude, the girl makes flower origami. And then another one … The classroom shines! A friendship is formed.

Another high-quality book by GRAFFEG, “The New Girl, “features beautiful muted illustrations and focuses on differences, living abroad, culturalism, creativity, and beauty. The story is suitable for children moving to a foreign country. It teaches that staying positive and sharing your creativity leads to acceptance and friendship.


Further Information:

If you loved The New Girl, check out more information about its author and illustrator:


The Stats:

  • Title: The New Girl
  • Author and Illustrator: Nikola Davis & Cathy Fisher
  • ISBN: 9781913634223
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Page Count: 32
  • Publisher: GRAFFEG
  • Recommended age:  6-8
  • Categories/Topic: bullying, moving abroad, acceptance, origami


Where to Find it:



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